Yes We Moved........Maui One Month In.

Did you know we moved?!?! I feel like so many are still catching on, but yes we moved, we moved to the beautiful island of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands. We have been here a month, a very fast and busy month. We have spent our time so far getting settled, re-purchasing needed furniture, and my husband getting ready for his store that he will be managing to open up. Despite being here a month this past weekend was the first time we were actually able to make it to the beach, it was only for a few hours but so nice, but living here, working, and a family of 6 you definitely don’t go as much as you would think, like, or hope ;). Life goes one, bills have to be paid and you really cannot approach living here like a long term vacation, it has to be approached like every day life, just in paradise :). So yes I am no longer permanently in WA state but I am still serving WA state on my trips back and for certain weddings, we still have our businesses and home there. I am also open to any questions you may have about it and all on this post here you can find a little more about how this whole move came about! I have also created a mailing list so if you would like to be added to that go here to be the first to find out new things, news, specials, and travels back to Mainland! Mahalo for all of the love and support, you guys are all truly amazing! Aloha!